My Backyard: Nature’s Reflection and Renewal

The cold snap, anticipated and dreaded since November, crept into the Las Vegas desert valley.  Consecutive nights of below-freezing temperatures determine whether the flowers and plants not yet established enough to survive the extreme cold would live or perish.

Each year, I spend quiet time acknowledging the year passed, then visioning with purpose for the year ahead.  As I was out taking inventory in my backyard after the freeze, it occurred to me it is its own year-end Reflection and Intention Process.

Clusters of pots filled with colorful flowers of variety and texture are huddled together for warmth beneath a frayed bed sheet with just enough protection to shield the dirt from freezing, sealing off the tiny, life-supplying roots. The casualties are already evident by the crispy, crunchy, now paper-thin leaves and stems.  Caring for aging parents.  Loved ones who have transitioned.

The hardy lantanas, strong and vibrant in the blistering summer’s heat, are now devoid of color–fragile to the touch.  Upon closer inspection of the ground where the plant comes forth. I find signs of green life.  Hope.  Love ignites. A vulnerable heart willing to open.

Lemon and lime citrus trees, way out of their normal climate, struggle to survive.  Reaching beyond the comfort zone.  Determined.

Fig trees stand leafless, the fruit shriveled, little balls.  Dreams not realized.

The sound of wind chimes, evidence that the invisible exists. Trust in Source.  I am intimately connected.

A wedding arch bouquet. Love spanning a space. The pillars and foundation of commitment. Faith.

The few remaining pomegranates like holly red Christmas balls, showing off a perfect 6-point star crown, cling to the barren branches. Almost a full year from when the first blood red star buds appear to begin the cycle of life once again.  Self-actualization. Organic unfolding, trusting the process.

Strawberries, delicious images of sweetness crushed between palate and tongue, nestled warmly under its protective blanket, promises of Spring and warmer weather to come.  Ideas planted. Intentions set.  Create.  Believe.

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