How to Predict the Future

There is no magic in creating the life you want.  When we provide the right mental and spiritual attitudes, we reap rewards.   It is powerful to know that we are not our thoughts, because we can change them.  We can learn to control our thoughts, and when we do, Source is there, waiting to co-create with us.

An old belief thought or pattern that does not help you to thrive can be stopped and replaced with one that does.  Yet, it helps to understand the process—that will allow you to stay steadfast and focused till the time the life you are creating appears.

We are conditioned creatures of our thoughts and the subsequent reaction/response to conditions.  Let’s say I experienced being ignored or shut down when I shared something personal with one or more people.  As a result, I felt people didn’t really want to listen to me or cared what I had to say.  I was sensitive to this happening and anticipated it.  The feeling became anchored as a belief and my energy fueled it. This belief made me afraid to open up and share my thoughts with others.  It sabotaged my self-esteem and infiltrated other parts of my life.

What most people are not aware of or fail to realize is that what is going on to perpetuate this pattern or cycle is comes from us.  We enter into the situation with the energy of expectation, fear and acceptance that what we experienced in the past is going to happen again, and it does; the focused energy validates the belief.   It is a vicious cycle of cause and effect.

How can we break this cycle?

What we need to do is create the mental picture of what it is we wish to experience and get really clear with it.  The more we can see it, feel it, touch it, taste it, the easier it will be revealed as the new belief and experience.  We must make it real, all the time.  And this is the work; when the mind insists on labeling the experience as the “same old, same old”, take control of your thoughts and laser focus on how you want to see, feel, touch and taste it.

How to apply this in real life:  Let’s use the example above.  What I wanted to experience instead is to be heard and understood in all my communications.

I am in a group of people, I set the intention (energy) that when the opportunity arises to share in the conversation, I speak with confidence.   I mentally release all expectations of the NEED to speak and I listen to others with engaged attention all the while FEELING, “I am heard and understood in all my communications”. Then I set myself up for success; I envision speaking with my full voice, my body language is open and receptive, I am energized and enthusiastic.

If you experience even the slightest tinge of the old thought or feeling, DO NOT SUCCUMB to it.  If the experience turns out exactly like the “same old, same old”, even with your new efforts, DO NOT allow your mind to try and validate the old belief again.

This is the process, until the point where what you are creating, _______________ (fill in the blank) is your new reality.

Stay strong, create with passion, live full out.


“The best way to predict the future is to create it.”

– Peter Drucker

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